Single Truck Success
Fastest Path From Startup To $100k And Beyond
It’s All About Customers!
Your success depends on finding enough customers before you run out of investment money.
Every decision a growing company makes should be measured as to if it will help you get enough customers in the limited time you have to succeed.
How much you spend on equipment, what training you invest in, and how you spend your time must be justified by how these concerns will produce customers.
First time owners instead get hung up on being the best cleaner. What good will it do if you are the best when no one knows you exist? Yes, it sure helps to know what you are doing. But again, if your phone isn’t ringing, it will all be wasted effort. Finding the balance is critical.
Not that hard
It’s actually not that complicated to succeed. Almost anyone can do it. The reason so few companies actually make it though, is that most have never been trained to start a business. New owners often think they can learn as they go. They think, “How hard can it be?” What they don’t understand is that the simple steps to success are buried amongst thousands of wasted things to do. Without someone to point out which tasks should and shouldn’t be done, it will be a random guessing game. The price for failing to succeed is just too high to leave it up to chance.
Opening a four digit bicycle lock is easy for a child who knows the combination; but that same lock will stop potential bike thieves in their tracks because it is too difficult to open if the combination is unknown.
A guide is needed
How do you know how much should be spent on equipment? What is needed for a website, is SEO needed, does social media produce jobs? How much should be charged, charge by the room or square foot, which advertising sources should be used?
A good guide knows how to make the most of your time, energy, and money. There should never be a doubt as to what are the most important projects you should be working on.
An experienced guide holds the simple solution for building a business. Getting the profitable customers depends on knowing what to do and, what not to do. Having someone show you the most direct path is what makes starting and growing a business easy and fast.
Critical decisions dealing with operations and strategy, to administration and marketing, must be made. The better those decisions are, the greater speed and chance of success. Every poor choice made consumes limited resources and time.
Benefits of using a guide
There are only a limited number of building blocks that go into creating a profitable cleaning company. If you know what these are, it takes very little time until you can be making an income and profit from it. This is similar to the child being able to easily open a bicycle lock since he knows the correct combination. It makes no sense to try to randomly attempt to start from scratch and try to figure it all out on your own.
The do-it-yourself approach takes longer because you need to research all of the options and then decide which one is best for your situation. On your own, you will have to do this for each and every decision you make. With an experienced guide, you can jump directly to the best answer.

Single Truck Success Audio Seminar
Listen to the first portion of the audio seminar and start to learn how you could be more successfull with your single truck carpet cleaning business.
Single Truck Success Master
Steve Marsh is the undisputed industry master at taking companies from startup to net- ting $100,000 annually and beyond (Take home income for the owner).

Upscale consumer market expert: Steve built his own cleaning company (Sold in 2004) to be one of the top charging companies. In 2004 he was charging $.70 per square foot (cleanable space) for basic cleaning. During peak seasons, of the final five years, he was scheduled out two months in advanced. Steve is intimately familiar with what makes this most profitable target market willing to pay higher prices for its services. He has written many articles on this topic and helped companies shift to above average pricing. He has the complete strategy and turnkey system for helping companies shift from budget consumers to clients willing to pay extra for quality and service.
Unmatched technical expertise: For over 15 years while was running his company, Steve was the most certified and experience hands-on carpet cleaner in the country. As a Senior Carpet Inspector, instructor (20 years), Master Cleaner, and recognized as the leading on-location upholstery cleaning expert and trainer in the country, there is no one more experience to guide you through the technical learning process of cleaning.
Active marketing manager: Steve is the acting marketing manager for several service companies across the country. He is actually doing the things he teaches on a daily basis. He deals with advertising sales reps regularly and knows how to test and evaluate the offers they make. His biggest client for which he is responsible for marketing is the largest privately owned pest control company in the San Francisco Bay Area which services 70 cities.
Recognized expert: He has helped hundreds of companies succeed over the last 15 years. Steve has been writing for the industry’s leading magazine, Cleanfax, for 10 years and has the column Single Truck Success. Steve has produced the industry’s best selling audio seminar also called Single Truck Success which has been endorsed by Prochem, Sapphire Scientific, and dealers across the country. He has the only detailed system which takes a company step-by-step through the process.
Industry’s Yelp and Angie’s List expert: Steve has written many articles on this subject for multiple magazines. He has personally helped dozens of companies shape their company profiles and determined how to get the most for both free and paid services from these consumer review sites.
Two Step Process
Business success requires two steps. The first is to create a continuous flow of profitable customers. Then the second step is to transform those customers into far more profitable repeat and referral clients. Most people think this can be done in one step and struggle attempting to do it that way.
The first step is what SingleTruckSuccess.com is all about. Everything you need to know to build your business to the point of a full schedule of profitable customers is included along with a guidance to help make the best decisions and keep you growing at the pace you choose.
The second step is the Be Competition Free program which is a complete and turnkey system which transforms your customer base into a profitable repeat and referral clientele.
You get to decide how fast you want to grow your business. It is possible to have help and encouragement on a daily basis.